Pine Hill Waldo 321J $3500
He is HD50K Genomics tested to provide Parentage Verification and High-Accuracy Genomics Enhanced EPD's. Why Genomics Test.
* Guaranteed free of all known genetic defects.
* Electric fence broke. * Tested PI-BVD Free. Click Here for PI-BVD information * Genomics DNA Tested. * Parentage DNA Verified. * Vaccinations are up to date. * Semen-Checked * Free delivery within 100 miles. * Will keep him until you need him (no charge) Pine Hill Waldo 321J as a calf.
HIS DAM: Pine Hill China 314A
His Dam: Pine Hill China 314D ranks in the Top 10% Calving Ease while maintaining a Top 25% Weaning Weight and a Top 30% Yearling Weight. She is a heavy muscled cow that stands on model feet & legs. Presents a near perfect udder.
HIS Grand DAM: Pine Hill Jenna 222T
His Grand Dam: Pine Hill Jenna 222T is now 15 years old and still going strong! March 2021 she had her 12th calf with 11 of her 12 calves being A.I. pregnancies on first attempt. She is a direct Daughter to the timeless Rito 6I6 "The Disposition Bull", a sire known for his broody, gentle natured daughters. From the very beginning, she has tied together an impressive string of outstanding calves that have consistently dominated our herd in both production & profits. Several of her calves show HD50k DNA Genomics scores ranking in the Top 1% Docility, Top 5% Feed Efficiency and Top 20% WW.
His pedigree displays "Parentage Qualified" (upper left).
This means that He, as well as his Dam and his Sire have all been Genomics Tested and DNA Parentage Verified. This bull meets the American Angus Association’s requirements to earn the CAB “Certified Angus Beef ” “Targeting The Brand logo” EPD's Last up-dated July 2021. For latest EPD's Click Here
Video: Pine Hill Waldo 321J (August 2021)
Video Dam: pine hill China 314d
His Sire: E W A PEYTON 642
Video: his Sire
Pine Hill Waldo 321J as a calf
DAM: Pine Hill China 314A