Pine Hill Hanna 313H Born 3/13/2020
A cow family that puts performance ahead of everything else.
Pine Hill Hanna 313H stands in Top 10% for Calving Ease. She traces back to CFF New Design 036 1367, our easy-fleshing Embryo Donor Cow. Hanna's 7 Pathfinder pedigree features a maternal legacy of outstanding performance.
Hanna's Dam: Pine Hill Whitney 317B achieved a Weaning Ratio of 105 and a Yearling Ratio of 106. Thick made with a strong top and a fancy front-pasture profile.
Hanna's Grand Dam: Pine Hill Tina 313Z earned a Weaning Ratio of 105, Yearling Ratio of 103. She achieved Pathfinder status in 2017. She is a direct daughter to the legendary Rito 6I6 "The Disposition Bull". Her outstanding calves are all A.I. pregnancies on the first try and show an average of 104 Weaning Ratio and 106 Yearling Ratio.
Hanna's Great Grand Dam, Pine Hill Tina 38W earned a Weaning Ratio of 110, and a Yearling Ratio of 112. Her calves show an average of 107 Weaning Ratio and 109 Yearling Ratio
Her pedigree displays "Parentage Qualified" (upper left).
This means that She, as well as her Dam and her Sire have all been Genomics Tested and DNA Parentage Verified. Click Here for latest Pedigree and EPD's (Goes to American Angus Assoc. page, then click "search")
VIDEO: Pine Hill Hanna 313H
DAM: Pine Hill Whitney 317B ( as a 4 year old )
DAM: Pine Hill Whitney 317B ( as a 2 year old )
Video: hanna's grand Dam: Pine Hill Tina 313Z
Hanna's Sire: E W A PEYTON 642
Video of Sire: E W A PEYTON 642